3 Aspects Of My Life

 Image of ste, jobs, jobs like scientist, eletrical engineer, mechanic, etc.

(WerbeFabrik/markusthomasde/pisauikan.CC0 Creative Commons)

Stem Job

I would want a job in the stem field because Ive always liked math and science, and they've always been my strong suit in school. I also want a stem job because I perfer to do things that involve numbers and experiments.

List of Stem Jobs that I could be interested in.
An image of the back of a man's head who is searching for soemthing to watch on tv.

(Mohamed Hassan. CC0 Public Domain)


My favorite things to do during my free time or my hobbies would be to watch movies and play games. I like watching movies with my family during my free time and by myself, and I like playing games with my family or other people, because I feel like doing things with others is better than doing things by yourself all the time.

  • Movie Genres
    1. Action
    2. Horror
    3. Comdey
  • Game Genres
    1. Adventure/exploration
    2. Fantasy
    3. Horror
 Image of a triangle protracter with a pen compass with basic math signs floating qaround them, multiplication, division, etc signs.

(Math set png sticker education illustration, transparent background. Free public domain CC0 image.)

My favorite Subject:Math

School is a major part of my life right now,and my favorite subject in school is math. I like math because I like closed answers, meaning I like questions with only one answer, and after 4th grade math just came easier to me than the rest of the subjects.